
Is this the Ultimatum

The Problem
-What is going on? Why is everything different? I can sense it but your not telling me. I sit next to you but there is a wall, there is something in the way of everything, a cold boundry is set between us, and I don't know why...but soon enough the answer...Seperate

But why?
-What did I do wrong? What did I say? What didn't I say? Where did I make my mistakes? Could I have supported you more? Should I have listened better? Should I have givin you space? Did I ever make you happy? These thought just float around in my mind, I know this shows my lack of selfesteem, but don't these things bring out the best in us.

My directions: Cry, Breathe, Repeat.
-This is the first step, my intitial reaction to the shock. But with talking, or at least whatever breath I could stablize to make any sense, I vent. The only thing I can do, painful and hard but still I do. Then the talk. A very helpful one to remind me life is good, and its not my fault. And lastly and the best. THE POWER OF PRAYER. I really think people underestamate this, but once I prayed with the ones around me, those to help me, I could start to relax, feel better and feel no sympathy for myself, but the realization of my surroundings.

W a k e u p
-Its not about me. Its about how I can help others and encourage those in need to be better. There are people that don't realize how special they are to an abundace of others. There are people that don't realize they have an amazing personality, that they are wonderfully unique and looked up to. There are people that don't realize that they are loved not only by the people around them, but by the best of all by God. I don't think they realize that no matter what pain they have been through or caused, or what wrong acts they have commited, they are ALWAYS forgivin by God and he doesn't see them as a horrible sinner but an equal to all men, He sees them as a CREATIVE GENIUS, A Beautiful and important aspect to his plans.

I really hope that these people realize that, even those in mankind can also FORGIVE them for whatever they have done, that they still love them with everything they have that they would sacrfice their own feelings for the other persons.

---I hope you know that I would for you---

Thank you for those who have listened to my shpeel recently and for consoling me and for your prayers, but don't pray for me, pray for those people who don't feel love and forgivness***

You are in my prayers