
Waiting for his title.

when one gives into the contrary thought-that things are impossible- thats when they lose it, and are apt to break, and abandon the reality of the big picture, that life goes on and does get better, more than better, amazing

Why does it seem impossible for you to believe that this isn't it, this is not all you get. The world is out there, beyond the barriers you have created in the hopes that she will love you. If she cannot understand, nay, if anyone cannot grasp the fact that you are this incredible being, that is silent, yet so moving in his ways and his soul, then they have missed out on an oppertunity of the most sublime.
You are astounding. You are You. I cannot imagine a world to be happy without that.

"Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow
back and soften and purify the heart...."
Washington Irving.