
Poem...Carpe Diem my loves

If someone says "hi"
Aren't you suppose to say "hi" back?
If someone needs help
Aren't you suppose to give it to them?
If someone falls
Aren't you suppose to help them up?
If somones crying
Should you go comfort them?
If someone tells you they miss you
Shouldn't you say it back?
If you miss someone
Won't you call them?
If you call someone
Will they talk back to you?
If you care about someone
Aren't you supposed to be there for them?
If you want to hold them
Can't you hug them?
If you love someone
Shouldn't you tell them?
If you know those words would help them, but really hurt them
Aren't you supposed to protect them?
But if your heart is breaking
Are you suppose to let it shatter?
If you wait too long
Will things be over?
If you make one mistake
If you don't say that one word
If you don't call them
If you don't hug them
If you dont tell them
Will you lose it all?