

Religious differences...


commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance; a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith (Websters dictionary)

There are so many different religions out there, and so many different belief systems, values, morals, and priorities. You have Christianity, Wicca, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, atheist and so many more that I'm sure i haven't heard of. We may all disagree with some aspects or many aspects of each others faiths, but does that mean that we have the right to demean them?

I will respect your beliefs regardless of whether i believe them or not, and in return i would hope you could respect mine. Yes i would prefer you agree and follow my God, but if you don't agree, or feel it doesn't fit with your life, that's OK, I'm not going to shove it in your face, but don't go ahead and bash my place of worship, my God or how i praise my God.

If you find something in life that you feel dedicated to and that makes you genuinely happy, something that gives you a clear vision on life, and something to positively guide you on your journey, than i am happy for you. Cause really thats all that matters, finding the right path for you.

I whole heartily respect you if you are firm in your believes and you stick to what you say. I respect you if you are truly into your belief and are dedicated to it, and are involved. I just CANT stand it when people are wishy-washy on their faith, and just worship or go to their place of worship on certain holidays, or Sabbaths or whichever you may call them. And I'm not saying i don't like you because you are learning about many religions (and FYI when i say religions i mean atheist to, its a religion considering you believe in no God and practice that belief everyday) I encourage you to expand your view of religions. And I'm not bashing you if you aren't sure what you believe in, cause that's OK, everyone was once unsure. I'm just saying stick to what you say. Don't talk the talk and not walk the walk.

And here's something i don't get and it kinda got me mad. I am very very happy for you if you have found a church that is meaningful for you and you can worship with everything you have there comfortably, but that doesn't give you the right to bash my church, and it doesn't really make sense anyways why you- considering we're of the same religion and beliefs and God and savior- would disregard my church, shouldn't you be Happy for me too? i mean we agree on the main aspects of religion, how can you insult someplace else where they are trying to spread the same beliefs that you have, just because they educate in a different way, doesn't mean its wrong.

Well i guess that's pretty much my shpeel, but mostly what i guess I'm trying to say is, just because you may have different names for your God or Gods, or Goddesses or no God, doesn't mean that you should bash others who believe in life differently with crude words and judgement. Have tolerance for other religions, even if you may not agree with them, have respect for them regardless.

