I'm through with saying things are
okI cant bear listening to you smile
You miss me, and you feel bad
But honestly do you?
Do you know
what you did to me?
Do you actually understand?
Because i get the notion that you don't
That you never understood
That your
just screwing me over
I will open myself
So foolish i am
my blind trust in you will lead to my demise
time and time again
how can i trust you?
Why do i persist on putting my faith in you
I should hate you
But oh, On the contrary my love
I yearn to here you say that things are different
That you will be trustworthy
That we can mend this relationship
But really can we?
Will you leave me again?
Let me fall in the dust?
And cry out all the faith i have in you?
You see i have this fixation
With the hope that one day we can be,
Like the days we never had to worry
When I never had to be scared of you
Of yours lies
Of your cruel words
Of your empty promises
Of your misleading touch
I let myself loose to you
I put down my barriers
Opened my self to those
deceiving words
How stupid had i been
I let myself down
I let myself feel like a whore
I turned myself into the lowest
freakFor you i let
all i stood for,
all i believed in,
be taken over
For you
All for you
I swore i would never let myself get like that again
Not let myself believe lies
But what am i doing
I'm telling you okay
And that i miss you too,
Making myself
vulnerableso that you can brake me
SO my Darling,
Ode to you i say...
Have Fun Fucking Me Up