
Holy Roller

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, Have I got it?'
Cause Mirror you've always told me who
I am I'm finding it's not easy to be perfect
So sorry you won't define me
Sorry you don't own me
Who are you to tell me
That I'm less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
I don't need to listen To the list of things I should do
I won't try, I won't try
Mirror I am seeing a new reflection
I'm looking into the eyes of He who made me
And to Him I have beauty beyond compare
I know He defines me
You don't define me, you don't define me
(Barlow Girl)

God is everything i need. He will provide me with strength and all the oppertunities for a better life. Don't you find it so amazing how He ONLY has your best interest in mind, that H will never give you anything you can't handle and He has a plan of the msot amazing life for you? i still hardly digest that, but sitll i find peace in that knowledge.
He loves you
He will never let you down
He will always be there
You can't say that about anything else in the world, fmaily, friends, objects, pets- anything. Its invigurating to know that i dont haveto go looking for friends or objects or money or relationships to fullfill me, because the truth is they never will but God will. i know i'm not such a great wrtier and this post preobably sounds scrambled, but lately this has been on my mind, a lot.

I wish that somehow i would be able to get the this point across to others, to stop looking everywhere else to be happy. And its the easiest most rewarding thing you couldever have if you chose it. It doesn't matter what anywhat else thinks or what they say about you, or tell you who you are because they can't do that. No one knows you except for God. No one can judge you except for him. So don't look down at yourself becasue of what others say or what you've done in your past, it doesnt matter! in God's eyes you are "beauty beyond compare" you are his child you are a creative genius, and He wil never let you down.
So stop looking elsewhere. Don't think that drugs or drinking, partying, having a girl/boyfriend all the time will allow you to be happy, it won't its jsut some temporary high.

Love God

Love Yourself

♥ adieu

The Sun Will Shine Again Today

Well i'm not very good at this blogging thing and i have sort of lost my momentum for writing poems, so now i guess all i ahve to write about is random...very random thoughts or whats up with me.
Things really have been turning around for me. Over the summer, i managed to let someone or something to completely devour my life and my view on things and all that i stand for. I let myself somehow. sometime ago to get casught up into one thing and let it lead my life. From that, i became wicked depressed and beyond confused.
And it's amazing how i turned the one thing away that was needed the most, i jsut couldnt let myself rely on God and let him work things out. I dumbly try and force myself to fix my own problems without any help what so ever. And then finally after about 3 months or so, i opened up again to my creator.
From talking to my leaders and i suppose re-evaluating the past year, i finally know, truly know with my head and my heart that God is all i need
I've always heard that and acceppted that thought but i've never actually experienced that reasurrence. Once i got that, it was amazing. I am beyond happy at the thought of only needing God

"For God has been gracious to me and I have all I need."
Genises 33:11

♥ adieu



So hi peoples!

(well if peoples are actually looking at this that is (= )

I am planning on adding

a page for my lyrics,

or music or band...i'm not quite sure yet

but something to that effect,

so be looking! =)

♥ adieu


Will I "Row on the Lakes of Canada"

we have to think about what this world is
could it be a prefix to something better
could it be the beginning of something wonderful
that will follow us in the eternity of our deaths
could it be the only opportunity we have to prove ourselves
to make a difference
for the generations we will never know
could it be the introduction to what we are really born for
could it be the preamble of what we sign our blood in
could it all end for us tomorrow
would we make a difference
would his smile make a difference
would her "I Love You" make a difference
in the end will the love we take be equal to the love we make
in the end will the poets unfinished words be filled
in the end will the singers voice linger on in our souls
in the end will the one you swore you loved turn their head around
in the end will our sacrifices be met
in the end will it be the end
in the end will i know,
Did those lyrics touch your heart
Did that one poem tell you how much i loved you
Did that look explain how much you've hurt me
Did being there for you change your life
Now will you think a little deeper
take the mountains that are steeper
Go to that man who has been weeping for you
Go to that woman who has been whispering out for you
Will you take my words to heart
Will it all seem to be worth it
Will i be happy
Will i always mourn for what could have been
Will i take that leap
that jump
that flight across the universe
will i row on the lakes of Canada